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  • When it becomes tempting to shit on the enlightenment or liberalism, Masonry etc, you have to actually consider how often Europe shit its pants and did huge nasty despicable things in the name of church authority and God before that, and how fresh this was in the minds of its people. This can be part of a chain going forward.
    Most cynicism about the medieval church is correct, and most people just use God and Christ as a vessel for their desire to rape pillage and raze the towns of others because of slight variations
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    Reactions: Sam
    Gen X also is valuable
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    Reactions: Sam
    Anyone who posts "It's a Wonderful Life" to the Media Charts thread is going to carry a heavy weight, and I'm sitting on the trigger
    Old age holds a new youth, where the stakes change once again. You can find things anew, to fight for freely, just a little different, but more similar than those found in adulthood and its responsibilities - things understood with some of the same distance, just on the other side
    Creation is sometimes a martian process, killing things to bring them into viewable control. Agriculture is a masculine venture, it requires cutting and ordering the forest into moldable definition
    I need to get a little portable size CRT tv and then wrap it in soundproofing so I don’t go insane from the whining noise
    Waiting for Jupiter to get back into Pisces before I travel anywhere
    The Eurostar, yeah.
    Not how it works afaict
    No it's just a personal thing, I don't even think about covid regs or anything at all
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    Reactions: Owen
    America needs to treat its Heartland with reverence and fertility rituals or something. There's some reason the Midwest produces so much, both agricultural and industrial. The continent is both cursed, but also very blessed
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    Reactions: Owen
    Lotta talk about how the Americas are cursed demon lands, but it is a true bounty north and south
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    Reactions: Owen
    I worked at a restaurant with a wicked intense guy who looked, sounded and acted and moved exactly like Tom Collins on Trailer Park Boys, hair style and all - I wish I had his chart
    Someone said the influence of Pisces has been here so long we've forgot what it's like without it. Drug culture etc - I wonder if the porn culture will go away with the change to Aries, or will it morph into a new amphetamine wave or some kind
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    Reactions: Pure Cancer
    Pure Cancer
    Gang warfare where every gang does straight edge discipline. People see screens as tools for said warfare rather that a total life-encapsulating thing. Crypto stops being speculative; no longer traded for attempted profits. Video games stop with multiplayer addiction schemes, goes back to one-and done-campaign focus. LGBT movement dies down and self-insulates into something crueler.
    Hard to start a folk and country thread when the best release date you can get for half of them is "August"
    you can always do natal charts of artists, I was gonna do Abner Jay in the rock thred
    I was trying to find a date for the Carter family version of Will the Circle by Unbroken actually so funny you saw this
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